Cross Cultural Issues In Jamaican Culture

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Abstract of Multinational corporations, transnational corporations, international development nations culture is expression of beliefs, language, food, music, dress and visible in tangible , invisible in communicative forms respond to verbal and non-verbal cues which should be understood by international agencies world over .Cross-Culture Coordinator help was sought to effectively implement cultural exchange programme within 2 years to create good relations with host communities & better understanding of Jamaican culture by P C v by learning to speak & write Jamaican patois & similarities and differences between Jamaican and American cultures brought out by conducting 2 interviews with exploration of literature on organizational…show more content…
Are Jamaicans opposed to foreign nationals working in their country? & protective of their cultural norms Do Americans and other foreign nationals arrive with stereotypes about Jamaicans that may prove to be self-fulfilling prophecies? Do communication challenges occur in spite of commonality of English being national language? many questions form the basis for this article as it explores cross-cultural issues special focus is on language acquisition as major pathway to facilitating cultural exchange. The article outlines JAMERICAN Exchange, a programme designed for Pcv to facilitate more effective cultural exchange. Geert Hofstede (Bolman & Deal, 2003; Intercultural Development Organization, 2007; Walton, 1999) distinguishes national cultures based on 4 dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus collectivism; and masculinity versus femininity. However, problems of cultural integration have persisted like inability to feel fully integrated within host communities after two years of service;(2) poor acquisition of Jamaican patois in…show more content…
Culture represents totality of everyday knowledge that people use habitually to make sense of world around them through patterns of shared meanings and understandings passed down through language, symbols, and artifacts (Clegg, Kornberger, & Pitsis, 2010, p. 216. there are major differences related to individualism, and uncertainty avoidance. Long term orientation is “focuses on the degree the society embraces, or does not embrace, long-term devotion to traditional values” (Tamas, 2007, p. 1). There is no rating of long term planning, committed to responding to Jamaica‟s development needs by: Providing Jamaican communities and organizations with trained personal. Identifying effective and sustainable solutions, Forging mutually beneficial partnerships and. Subsequently, the P C V not only have to effectively manage their primary projects in education and the environment; but, they also have to negotiate the Jamaican culture in many rural and urban settings. To accomplish these objectives they will encounter many more traditional customs and beliefs in their rural placements, . However, acquiring a second language like Jamaican Patois in the case of Peace Corps, requires that Peace Corps workers be in Jamaica and immersed in host culture. Consequently, more

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