Theories Of Football

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THEORY OF COACHING SEMESTER 1 ‘’ Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we have actually sat down and written it out or not, all of us coaches have a philosophy toward our profession.’’ (Councilman, J. 1977) The sport I have chosen and will be discussing is football. There are many philosophies to be admired in the world game from many coaches involved in the game. I will be critically analyzing many of these philosophies and in turn, create and explain my own philosophy and training programme from acknowledging many of the various techniques used by different coaches. There are many philosophies to be admired in the game, but the philosophy I admire the most is that of Jose Mourinho, arguably the best manager of all time.…show more content…
To have a successful team you need the entire team on board and focused. Everyone has a part to play, even the third-choice goalkeeper. It is vital to maintain a competitive environment throughout the season for optimum performance and a happy dressing room. Sometimes this can be a difficult task, as there are many different egos and personalities on a football team. At times challenging situations will arise, when it comes down to big decisions such as penalty taking and freekicks etc. The coach should choose who will take these, or a unanimous vote from the entire team to prevent an upset. Ultimately, it is whoever is best at the set pieces for the team’s best chance to win. (Balague, 2012) Psychology in football is of the upmost major importance. All good managers and clubs would have a sports psychologist in the backroom staff. A clear and focused mind could make all the difference in a match’s outcome; and most likely is the difference at the top level of the…show more content…
Good communication skills are one of the best traits a coach can have. A good coach will be excellent at getting their vision across. It is important that a coach can get their ideas across in a clear image as they could be managing players of many different nationalities. Clear precise instructions are important. (Radeke, 2008) Communication is an act of expressing ideas, information, knowledge, thoughts etc. Communication is sending and receiving messages. These may be verbal or nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communications including facial expressions, body positions, gestures, etc. Overall, I personally think that a good coach should have the qualities of a social worker, being able to council and advise their players. He or she should be a friend to some of the players in some cases, while always maintaining the main position of authority. He or she also needs to be a social scientist, analyzing and possessing the necessary skills to problem solve. Finally, and probably the most important characteristic, the manager should always be a student, always willing to learn and look for new knowledge. (USATF Level 2 School -Youth Specialization,

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