Theories Of Facebook

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Motivation in Practice within Facebook Introduction This essay presents the methods of Facebook motivate employees combined with the motivation theories. To discuss that, the details of three motivation theories (Taylor’s Scientific Management, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory) will be given in the article firstly. Furthermore, it will describe how the employee motivate system works in Facebook. At last, it will give several suggestions according to the argument. History of the Company Facebook in an American company, also as known as a social media. Facebook's headquarters is located in Menlo Park, California, United States (Facebook). Mark Zuckerberg, a student from Harvard University, found it in 4 February…show more content…
The needs are the basis for human surviving, such as water, food, oxygen and sleep. The needs for working conditions also can be included in this level. For example, Google provides free lunch for the staffs. Safety needs involve public sector and private sector. Public sector includes the job security. For private sector, living safely, good health, property security and so on should be considered. Safety needs are also belonging to the basic needs. The third level is social needs. It contains people’s social activity needs. In other words, at this level the person is looking for a sense of belonging in the group. Esteem needs mean getting respect. It can be divided into personal and professional. For…show more content…
Herzberg believed that people would be more productive with more satisfaction. In his theory, the two elements are motivators and hygiene factors. Motivators mean the job satisfaction. Motivation Applied in Practice Facebook encourages Conclusion Motivation plays an important role in organizations’ management. Its meanings can be concluded in 3 points: 1. Attracting and keeping talented person. Nowadays, the lack of talented person is a major barrier for a company’s growth. Building an effective motivation system help to solve this problem. 2. Developing staff’s potential, improving the quality of human resources. Modern enterprises focus on the effectiveness. Increasing the character of human resources can make the enterprise run more efficiently. 3. Achieving business goals. Motivation could be considered as a guide for employee behavior. The department of human resources can take measures due on the enterprise’s goals to enable employees work hard for the aims. In other words, motivation cannot be replaced in any organizations. Its importance is unquestionable. No matter what kind of enterprises are inseparable from the creativity and enthusiasm of the staffs. Enterprises should pay attention to the contribution of the motivation system.
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