Theological Thinking

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One essential facet of being Christian, or a human being, is that we need to think theologically. Within How to Think Theologically, the two authors define theology as: “a seeking after understanding—a process of thinking about life in the light of the faith that Christians engage in because of their calling” (Stone and Duke 2). At the root of theological thinking, one is using faith to seek understanding. As Christians, we pursue this understanding by using two forms of theological thinking: embedded and deliberative theology. Embedded theology is the faith, beliefs and practices that Christians learn through their everyday encounters with what it means to be a “Christian.” It is the internal convictions and practices that are disposed on to us through our families and communities; “it is rooted in the preaching and practices of the church and its members. It is the implicit theology that Christians live out in their daily lives”…show more content…
This type of thinking is considered as embedded. When you hear someone talking about God’s will and that he ultimately decides our fate, unknowingly, it is embedded within your brain. When you decide to analyze this statement further, you realize that this claim is false. If God were to not love those who were gay, than that would go against the belief that God is an all–loving entity. In the book of John, it states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). There is a sense that God loves everyone. God shows that he loves everyone unconditionally by not immediately killing us for all of our sins. This type of thinking is considered as deliberative theology. Through careful analysis you realized that the embedded theology was
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