Critical Thinking In Education

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2.1.2. Critical Thinking in Educational Frameworks “Critical thinking skills are considered essential for students since it enables the students to decipher the information they have received as lessons in classrooms or other learning frameworks and in any facet of life in which people present reasons and evidence in support of conclusions” (Warburton, 2000, p.64). Most scholars assume critical thinking as a primary aim of education. Concern with critical thinking in its general concept is not new. Burbules and Ruperk (1999) have said that critical thinking has been an important element in the Western tradition of education. An ancient Greek scholar Socrates (470-399 BCE) did his utmost to expand critical thinking skills when he used his method…show more content…
Plus, the human brain loves to see patterns and make connections to the previously learnt and stored data. Although such traits serve people well in many ways, sometimes they mislead people, too. The need for cognitive skills makes you involved in the process much more which can conclude in a better vision toward learning. Ennis (2002) believes critical thinking nearly means rational and reflective thinking focused on planning what to believe or do. Learners are going to get familiar with the dispositions and then acquire the abilities for becoming critical thinkers. Learners read and think and then reflect on what they have read. This reflection comes from thinking and at least the good it does is to make them focus and learn more carefully. As Leicester and Taylor (2010) argue, critical thinking can be thought of as a toolbox of abilities which makes learners to think more deeply and clearly about what they believe, and about what they should do. Here again, the role of critical thinking in listening comprehension is highlighted as the process helps achieve better understanding. Cohen (2015) declares critical thinking is really about a range of skills and understandings, including an ability to play with words, a sensitivity to context, feelings and emotions, and (the hardest skill to develop) the kind of open-mindedness that allows you to make creative leaps and gain insights. Such thinking will lead them to be better informed and less open to biased persuasion, to prejudice and to irrational behavior or belief. This means that teaching people who are less biased is the result of critical thinking and this can lead to better understanding as one can

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