The Three Branches Of Representative Democracy In The United States

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Introduction What would our everyday lives like be without government? Most would say chaos, and in addition to those people, the 55 delegates in attendance at the Constitutional Convention also thought the same. The framers of the Constitution met secretly in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for one common goal, to decide how our beloved America would be governed. America as we know it today has a Representative Democracy type of government. Representative Democracy means the people elect officials to serve and represent the voice of the people or in other words; government for the people, by the people. The power of the federal government is further divided into three branches. The three branches are: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. Simply stated the division of power among the branches can be referred to as the separation of powers. The Legislative Branch…show more content…
The main objective of Congress is to make the laws. Congress is bicameral or divided into two sections: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Senate makes up the upper house and the House of Representatives makes up the lower house. Power is then distributed between the House and the Senate. There are some powers that are specifically granted to the national government by the Constitution, these powers are known as enumerated powers.1 Impeaching federal officers, passing laws, and initiating revenue bills are duties of the House. On the other hand approving treaties and impeaching officials would be some commons of the Senate. The Senate is made of a hundred Senators (two from each state). The House is composed of four hundred and thirty five representatives (representatives are based on population). Senators serve six year terms while representatives serve two year

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