What Are The Three Branches Of Government Power

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Many people don’t understand the constitution the way it should be understood. People try to find loopholes in the constitution. Some people have committed crimes and gotten away with it because of the things that were said in the document. The constitution was not made for people to find ways around it rather it was made for people to follow it as a basic set of rules and laws. There are three branches of government, their power is divided in a certain way, and the framers of the constitution were concerned about how the power was divided amongst these branches. Our federal government has three branches consisting of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. The President administers the Executive branch. The President chooses a cabinet…show more content…
The delegates built the checks and balances system into the Constitution. Each branch is restrained in some way by the other two. One example is that the president may veto a law passed by congress, but congress can override that veto with a vote of two-thirds of both houses. Another example of these checks and balances is that even though the President appoints the members of the Supreme Court, the appointments have to be approved by Congress. The three branches of government each have their own jobs to do. The Legislative branch is the law-making branch of government. But, they do many things such as approve treaties, impeach Presidents, and declare war. The Executive branch enforces the laws made by congress, but this branch also purposes laws, administers laws, commands armed forces, and etc. The Judicial branch is the system of courts that may strike down “unconstitutional” laws, review lower courts decisions, impeach Supreme Court Justices, and some other jobs as well. The branches can’t abuse any of their powers because of these checks and…show more content…
Its main purpose is to set guidelines for the citizens of the United States to follow. People need to know what its truly about in order to follow it properly and not think its just another set of rules. The U.S. constitution is like the manual you receive when you purchase an item that requires one. If you don’t read the manual how will you know it is supposed to work the way you intended it too. This is why people need to understand how the constitution intends to be used and why government shouldn’t abuse their powers. If all the branches of governments abused their power then we would be in a worse situation then a country with a dictator. The three branches of government, the way their power is divided, and the way the framers of the constitution intended it to be divided is important because without this separation of powers our government has the power to abuse its
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