Executive Branch Of Government

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To certify there is a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three divisions: legislative, executive and judicial branch. Separately each branch has its own powers and responsibilities to guarantee the government is effective and citizens’ rights are protected. By splitting control and influence among the Legislative, executive, and judicial branches, this system prevents any one branch from abusing its power. Likewise, a system of checks and balances gives each of the three branches of government ways and means to limit the powers of the other branches. Yet, each branch of government has a distinctive ability. The legislative branch consists of the House and Senate, identified collectively as the Congress. The legislative branch is responsible for creating legal laws. Among other powers, the legislative branch proclaims war, controls interstate and foreign trade, and controls taxing and spending policies. Every single state, no matter how large or small, gets two senators; while on the other hand, participation in the House of…show more content…
This branch is primarily responsible for enforcing the laws and regulations of the land. Furthermore, the President was given the power to make treaties with foreign nations, however not without the "recommendation and approval" of the Senate. In the federal government, the executive branch is led by the president of the United States. Yet the States’ executive branches are controlled by the governor of the state. The executive branch can check and balance similarly the legislative branch and the judicial branch. Furthermore, the president of the United States has the power to veto bills suggested by Congress. Likewise, state executive branches have a similar check and balancing authority; a governor can, as a rule, veto laws proposed by the state
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