The Telephone: The Invention Of Alexander Graham Bell

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Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and died on August 2, 1922, he was a Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer, and an innovator. He is credited to have invented the telephone, the photophone, the hydrofoil, an audiometer, the HD-4, metal detectors, and the tetrahedral kite. Bell's most well-known invention is the telephone up to date. A telephone is a device that converts sound and electrical waves into audible relays and is used for communication. A telephone consists of two essential parts; a microphone and a speaker. Moving on, Alexander Bell considered the photophone his most valuable invention because it led to the invention of the telephone. A photophone is a device were sound signal is transmitted by causing it to…show more content…
In 1874 the idea of the telephone formed in his mind. After two years he applied for a patent and was granted on March 7, 1876. Alexander Graham Bell faced a bitter legal battle over the invention of the telephone because their was another inventor called Elisha Gray who registered for a patent just hours after Bell. Alexander Bell is not the sole creator of the telephone; his partner was Thomas Watson and he also shared his profits with his two investors Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas…show more content…
Materials range from glass, ceramics, paper, metals, rubber and plastics. The outer part of the telephone is typically made of strong, high-impact resistant polymer. The photophone was considered by bell his most important invention. On June 3, 1880, the scientist transmitted the first wireless telephone on his invented "photophone". He held four patents for the photophone, and he also had an assistant in this invention, called Charles Sumner Tainter. The first voice transmission on the photophone took place over a distance of 700 feet. The way Bell's photophone worked was by directing sunlight into the mirror, which captured and projected the mirror's oscillations (movement back and forth at regular speed) toward a receiving mirror, and then the signals would be transformed back into sound at the receiving end of the projection. The photophone was similar to the telephone, except the photophone used light as means of projecting the information, while the telephone depended on electricity. At the beginning this machine had a big defect: the photophone wouldn't work when the weather was cloudy. After they fixed this flaw the Bell's idea of the photophone became

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