A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Advertisement For Easynote

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Sander Cochran The dream of being able to take the spoken word and turn it into written word originated in the 1800’s after the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. Now the dream is a reality with the invention of speech to text software such as EasyNote. EasyNote takes what is said by the teacher and turns it into organized and comprehensive notes. The advertisement for EasyNote is effective because of its use of common man appeal, loaded words, and a rhetorical question. One of the best ways to sell a product is to appeal to the masses This is known as common man appeal. In this ad common man appeal is used to show that the product is accessible and easy to use. EasyNote is made to be used by students as showed by the “Made for Students by Students” in the ad. This shows that the product is easy to use as it been designed for the normal everyday student and encourages the viewer to consider using the program. EasyNote is very accessible as shown by the programs availability on multiple devices and the ability to sync notes to the cloud. This shows the viewer that they can have the program no matter what device they are using and be able to use it wherever which promotes ease of use.…show more content…
These words are called loaded words. This ad uses loaded words such as “New” and “Improved” to make the viewer think positively about EasyNote. Saying that EasyNote is “new” makes the consumer think that this product is cutting edge and high tech. Consumers like to have the newest and most high tech product they can get there hands on which makes the consumer consider the product as a possible option. Another example of a loaded word is “Improved”. In this ad it is used to suggest that EasyNote is superior to other voice recognition software and helps to solidify EasyNote as a cutting edge product in the viewers

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