Organizational Analysis: Ospirates Airlines

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employees are monitored. Also, the roles and responsibilities of the company's officials are clearly defined. Consequently, the clarity of roles ends up avoiding situations of conflicting authorities. However, the structure also has its disadvantages. It promotes a massive communication barrier among the employees, the middle, and the top management. For the workers to air out their grievances or to meet with the organization's leaders, they need to go through several vertical levels of communication before they talk to the top management. Consequently, the lack of communication implies that the motivation levels of employees are very low as it is difficult for them to air out their grievances to the top management in case of any factors promoting…show more content…
However, the company needs to accomplish more to motivate the workers. One such motivation is in the selective financial support offered to senior employees for their tuition fees. The other employees also need to advance in the career if they are to rise to achieve the top positions. Therefore, this motivation package should not discriminate against those low in the ranks. Another area that needs recommendations is on the organizational structure of the organization. The structure discourages effective communication in the organization. Given the nature of the job being in the service industry, communication is essential. The company should provide forums where the employees can air their views and grievances. When the employees feel that the organization listens to them, they will work efficiently and improve the company's productivity. The workers can also use the communication forums for decision-making purposes. Here, the company will allow the workers to assist in decision making. Consequently, the decision-making process can act as a training ground for the employees who might be future leaders of the company and would need to make corporate decisions. The company is also known for making its employees work for long hours. As a recommendation, the company’s human resource manager should have a session with the employees where the…show more content…
It is because motivated employees lead to an increase in the productivity of the company. There are a lot of factors that can lead to the motivation or demotivation of workers. The organization structure of firms affects the motivation of its employees. Employees who work in tall hierarchical structures like that of the Emirates Airline have a tendency of being less motivated. It is due to the communication barriers and lack of involvement in decisions of the company that affects them. It is the responsibility of the company, especially the human resource manager to ensure that the employees' morale is raised. One of the ways of improving the employees' motivation is through teamwork. Emirates Airlines is among the leaders in the aviation industry on the promotion of teamwork. It has tremendously contributed to the company cementing its place as one of the best airlines in the world. Hopefully, with the implementation of the recommendations proposed, the organization will continue to soar

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