Guns Germs And Steel Thesis

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Jared Diamond’s thesis in Guns, Germs and Steel provides an answer to one of the most fundamental underlying questions in human history: why is there such a gap between the “haves and have-nots” (GGS, 93)? He uses evidence from the origins of human history to answer this question. However, until the Industrial Revolutions, the differences between the societies were minute, and at different times, different societies were most advanced. Thus, Diamond’s thesis is erroneous because the inventions of the Industrial Revolution were what truly separated the European West from the rest of the world and enabled European global domination. As aforementioned, Diamond’s thesis focuses on a very broad scope of aspects in the history of the world. He starts from the very origins of humans to explain just why the gap between Europeans and the aborigines was so vast. Instead of the…show more content…
Nevertheless, the process of developing the can was long and full of mistakes and errors. Nicolas Appert initiated what would later become known as food canning, the process of sealing food in containers to preserve it (Simonis and Hertzenberg, 7). Appert first tried to invent a method of preservation when Napoleon offered a prize for whoever could find a way to preserve food to feed his army (Canned). He succeeded in finding a way to preserve food in glass jars. However, this method was cumbersome because glass was heavy and fragile. Consequently, a year later, Peter Durand thought of using metal for the containers. A factory was constructed for this purpose and thus the can was revealed to the public (Couture, 20). Nonetheless, this was not the end of the process of perfecting the can to what it is today. For example, early cans were sealed with a lethal material called lead solder (Canned). This problem was solved quickly, but there were other problems, each presenting a unique set of

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