The Outsiders Analysis

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S.E Hinton demonstrates her knowledge of the universal issue, “division of classes in society” throughout the book, The Outsider’s. Our status and appearance in the community stereotypes us, and forms the basis of how others think of us, leading to prejudice. The Novel poistions the readers to first believe that ‘fitting in’ is the most important quality, and can help teens establish their identity, and to not fit in would make you an outcast. However, through time we are given the perspective that life is short enough already, and it doesn’t change whether you are a soc or a greaser. Firstly, Ponyboy challenges the limitation of socioeconomic status, and coupled with that, starts to perceive the Socs as humans with difficulties too. Additionally,…show more content…
Lastly, the event of Johnny’s death signifies his loss of innocence as a youth, and strengthens his belief that the lifes of others, were more important than his own. Body Paragraph 1: The author effectively conveys the theme, class discrimination, through the narrator, Ponyboy. He grasps onto the concept that socioeconomic status is the key element in every situation; and only the actions of others, not the Greasers, can change the bias social standards set by higher class. He argues “No rival gangs, only Socs. And you can’t win against them no matter how hard you try, because they’ve got all the breaks and even whipping them isn’t going to change the fact” (Page 13). This quote symbolizes that the Socs, have an invisible power over the Greasers, which they flaunt regularly through their expensive cars, clothing and regular ‘jumping’s’. Ponyboy is seen describing the Socials living in a totally different world compared to theirs, when he is retelling Johnny’s jumping. Ponyboy, in the story, highlights how bad Johnny was beaten, and how years later, now, he is still cautious of another attack, also explaining that Johnny did nothing in return for his beatings, the Socs had been ‘in the mood’. This understandably results in the reader thinking the Socs are pretentious and
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