Telecommunication Company Case Study

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Telecommunications Company supplies telecommunication services such as broadband internet, mobile networks to its customers, for instances: in Fiji it would be Fiji Vodafone or Digical. Looking at the case question, the business structure of organization will vary depending of its sizes and form of industry and this telecommunication company has nearly 30 employees but plans to expand to 3000 employees, therefore, it needs to design its reporting structure in a way that it meets all the requirements of all departments currently and in near future to maintain efficiency. The hierarchy of the organisation would include: Moreover, the most important department of any organization is its IT Department which ensures that the IT Systems…show more content…
Ensures that technological goals, visions and objectives of the company are followed and aims to provide the customer satisfaction. For instance: meeting customer expectations such as having 24/7 services without disruption. Meeting demands and also understanding how to increase innovation. CTO- is responsible for the efficiency of the IT Systems and meeting the throughput, availability and speed of information and communicating to all departments. The organizations CTO must have all skills and talents to deal with the current and evolving markets and new competitors. For instance: having KPIs, metrics, software and hardware expertise to meet the role of CTO. CSO- are considered to be below CTO and above CPO in this case study because any information passed to upper level or brought from any other departments needs to be secured from any sort of hackers, virus or people to who are willing to use it for harmful purposes. The responsibility of the Officer is to provide security to the IT Systems and safeguard the organizations information technologies. For instance: no outsider has access to the company’s customer…show more content…
(Timothy J.O'Leary and Linda L.O'Leary, 1998).The organisations are making competitive strategies and implementing technologies to enhance their businesses in many ways. In order to see how information technology can enhance in making decision, the business can implement Decision Support System (DSS), as it is defined as interactive computer based systems that help decision-makers use and manipulate very large databases. Information technology can help improve decision making by: Data-Driven DSS whereby management has to analyse large amounts of information so technology can create innovations in communication and reach to global markets in less time. It includes data warehouse, EIS and analysis systems. For example, in these case study a computerized system can help managers understand the past, current and estimated future status of operations, monitor business results, get feedback on customer preference on the consultation you have provided and examine the existing consulting competitor

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