Character Analysis: The Outsiders

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We can learn from conflict not to judge people from their social status. Most people believe that Socs are nice rich kids who would never do anything to cruel to others. Greasers, on the contrast, are reckless people of the west side of town. These facts can cause one to be unconsciously biased and and think that Greasers are the bad guys. This creates a conflict of unjustness and frustration. However, the true nature of most Socs and Greasers aren’t like this. Shown in The Outsiders, Socs actually enjoy jumping others, specifically Greasers, get drunk often, and are smug about their power. Greasers, on the other hand, are just trying to get through life peacefully and without conflict. Even though some Greasers do the same things that most Socs do, it is because they are trying to relieve their inner pain. Take Dally, for example. Dally has been raised up on the streets and…show more content…
This statement repeatedly appears in The Outsiders. The stereotype of Greasers and hidden truth of Socs state that they love fighting, getting into rumbles, are rough, and often get drunk. A good example of exception is Cherry. Cherry doesn’t like people fighting; her belief about it is that it is not going to anything good for all. She’s nice to Greasers, which is something most Socs won’t do. Cherry definitely can’t be interpreted by her social ranking; it just doesn’t make sense if I do that. Another example that shows that is when Pony and Cherry talk about sunsets. Since both social groups hate each other strongly, it is surprising that two people from each group are willing to talk to each other. Both Pony and Cherry love watching beautiful sunsets after hard days, and when they share that about themselves, they are surprised that a Greaser and Soc are not so different after all. Even though Greasers and Socs are both individuals born in unlike classes, you can tell that they are all human and don’t deserve to be put in cruel
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