The Importance Of Value Chain Management

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There are a few information systems that we wish to implement in the value chain in order to achieve our business strategy. Information systems and IT tools play the significance roles to improve business operation, enhance decision making, achieve cost efficiency and competitive advantage. We have created a website by using for our company to publish any related information such as company’s vision, missions, slogan, products gallery and prices. Anyone can visit our website and make online purchasing for the handcrafted products. Besides, we use Facebook page as a promotion tool to attract more people attention to our business and easy to interact with our customers as they can get the latest information from our company or provide…show more content…
SCM system allows us to build strong relationship with our suppliers, logistics company and customers which in turn helps our company reduce costs and achieve sustainable competitive advantages. SCM systems are able to provide information such as amount of ordering, date and time of delivery and invoices to the suppliers so they can distribute products on time with the right amount. With the use of social media such as Facebook, we can know what the customers wants and preferable style for the products, thus we can inform and provide ideas to our suppliers so they can customize the…show more content…
CRM system enables the company gain benefits such as improving satisfaction of customers, increasing customer retention, lowering cost of operating and the ability to meet demand of customers. CRM system contains contact management which enable us to track data on customers, sales management, customer support which provide prompt service to customer based on their request and resolve their issues, social networking which allow salespeople to communicate with potential customers, and import contact data (Stair & Reynolds, 2014). Social CRM (SCRM) refers as a customer engagement strategy in support the defined goals and objective of the companies toward improving the experience of customers (Turban & King, 2012). We will use social media such as Facebook to enhance interaction and communication with our customers. We will update and share any information frequently to enable the customer to know about the new products, promotion or other activities. In return, the customers can review products, comment or provide feedback. Besides, we provide a customer call centre to solve any queries from them. SCRM allows us to get closer with customers and understand better about their needs in order to provide good services to satisfy

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