The Importance Of Participatory Planning

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Cultural protocols are also embedded in epistemology. Protocols are situational defined codes of etiquette that can take on greater relevance in more formal meetings or gatherings. Broadly speaking, they cover a range of behaviors, such as the way one addresses another, deference to an understood social hierarchy, symbolic offerings, attendance or nonattendance at sacred or social events, norms of exchange and reciprocity, and even the manner in which discussions are facilitated. Protocols reflect how a group understands what can be known and by whom, who has the right to legitimize knowledge, and who has voice or standing to make knowledge claims. Planners representing formal institutions are trained in the science of modernity. Truth and…show more content…
Processes are therefore formulated and designed in order to come up with a successful development project. Having a direct involvement of the intended target groups or even their representatives on this process supports project preparation. Participatory planning helps in both the preparation and implementation stage of development projects. People’s participation in projects according to many is a prerequisite for a sustainable course of action. There are several interpretations of what people participation could do in terms of developmental participatory planning. In the context of the community forestry project; participatory planning supports the joint actions of the local people and project with different implementation strategies suggested by the members. In this context, it becomes a two-way learning dialogue. For strong developmental outcomes, parties are involved in the elaboration of a common agenda. Both parties produce on the table their developmental perspective and agendas and they are both well discussed for implementation.Participatory planning in most cases aims at strengthening the local capacity for sustainable development in areas like knowledge, organization and skills. According to (FAO, 2015) participatory approaches will allow the integration of local knowledge systems into local project planning and implementation. The project also will complement these knowledge systems. The developmental outcomes rely fully with the way participatory planning is implemented and the way the discussed agendas have been implemented. The success of this kind of project wholly depends with the way the participatory planning has been designed and the way it also has been implemented. There are several considerations that ought to have been considered in the field of participatory planning in order to enhance noble

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