The Importance Of Supply Chain Management

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Supply chain excellence in a company plays a real impact on the business strategies and objectives of a company. Supply chain management can also be identified as an important mission who has a high impact on the company which goes to the roots of a company’s competitiveness, where the decisions and the missions aligned with this may affect the company’s sustainability both in the long haul and short haul. Moreover, Supply chain management performances in an organization may have a significant impact on a company’s ability to add value to their operations when providing services to their customers. In today’s evolving business environment, companies will have to ensure the dance of change in order to ensure and sustain competitiveness within…show more content…
Old strategies do not have any drastic influences like they used to have during the past. Due to this, different measures of adapting to situations and different measures of winning the market share should be implemented by the companies. In order to make this a reality, Supply chain management should be looked into with the idea of prioritizing various aspects of the supply chain. For this, both internal and external audits can be conducted as preventive measures for all the deviations that can be occurred with respect to the long term strategies. Through this, assessing of supply chain risks can be done while at the same time developing strategies and measures for proper functioning of the supply…show more content…
The main problem of this research is exploring a good governance structure theory for a supply chain. This examines the facilitators and barriers for a good governance structure and integration. Furthermore, this is an effort to identify the dimensions impacting the supply chain good governance structures. 1.4 Objectives of the Study. The main objective of this research is to find a theory for a good governance structure for a supply chain of a company. Apart from the main objective, the research is also focused on respective areas ; • To find out the barriers and facilitators for a good governance structure of a company. • To identify the factors which effects a well governed supply chain and its function. 1.5 Outline of the Study. Chapter 01: Introduction, This chapter provides the research background relating to the subjects of this dissertation, significance of this research, statement of the problem, and furthermore, the objectives of the research are included in this
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