Personal Statement Essay: Major Sources Of Happiness

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One of my major sources of happiness is gratitude. There is so much to be thankful for everyday-everything from the ability to greet my loved ones to the opportunity to receive education. By knowing that not everyone is as fortunate as I am, this enkindles me in wishing to share my fortune and power to them. I know I still have a long way to proceed, yet there are several experiences that have consolidated my determination towards my goal. By taking on various roles in organizing campaigns for promoting cultural diversity and exchange programs, I have nurtured a sense of responsibility as a world citizen and hope to contribute to those in need. By devoting time and energy as a volunteer in schools, NGOs and hospitals, I felt myself one step closer to committing to humanity through moments of accompanying others while seeing the genuine smiles of those I served. Various experiences emboldened me to believe that I am capable of bringing change to this world and to live out the benevolent values of Dr. Chan with this scholarship. This scholarship is…show more content…
I aim to join invention competitions to practice and apply the techniques. Afterwards, I hope to realize my inventions and put my products into the real-world practice. In terms of being one of the catalysts for collaboration, I aspire to establish networks with other enthusiastic young leaders throughout my university life, such as leaders from health professional societies and AIESEC members from universities worldwide. Furthermore, since the scholarship would enable me to connect with mentors who have achieved outstanding social service accomplishments as well as with other scholars, this would inspire me to develop networks with diversified social organizations and education institutes. I hope to spread and share my social aspirations and beliefs in a more efficacious

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