Sunflower Value Chain Analysis

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Table of Contents List of Figures ii List of Tables ii ACRONYMS iii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research problem 2 1.3 Problem owner 2 1.4 Justification of the study 2 1.5 Research objectives 2 1.6 Research questions 2 1.7 Conceptual framework 3 1.8 Definition of concepts 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Value chains concepts and chain upgrading 6 2.1.1 Value Chain Concepts 6 2.1.2 Challenges in Sunflower Value Chain in Tanzania 7 2.1.3 Chain Upgrading 8 2.2 Agricultural marketing 9 2.3 Major Institutions involved in Agriculture Marketing 10 2.4 Types of producer organizations and their importance in agriculture 11 2.5 Performance of producer organizations 12 2.6 Cooperatives principles 13 Source: TFC (2006). 14 2.7 Cooperatives membership…show more content…
According to RLDC (2008) the production challenges among others includes, the use of poor quality seeds and poor agronomic practices. The use of poor quality seeds is often attributed by the low knowledge, lack of capital and non-availability of quality seeds (RLDC, 2008). Reports show that many rural smallholder farmers do not apply good agronomic practices in land preparation, planting, weeding and use of fertilizer (RLDC, 2008). In addition to production challenges there are processing challenges like capacity and supply mismatch and low quality oil (RLDC, 2008). According to RLDC (2008), another challenge in the sunflower chain is poor marketing…show more content…
A typically CUs consists of 10 associations and about 300 members. In Tanzania CUs are national/regional and focused on specific crops with vertically integrated. However, previously had a monopoly on buying, processing and selling their crops. Most CUs are now defunct, although the Government is making efforts to revive CUs in the coffee and cotton sectors. Usually, above the unions are the crop boards for each of the main export crops and the National Federation of Cooperatives. Under Tanzanian law, CUs are registered by the MAFC.  Rotating Saving and Credit Associations (ROSCA); this is the simplest financial institution in rotating money to the members. The most common name used to represent ROSCA in Tanzania is called “Upatu”. These groups save their own money and then lend it out to each member of the group in succession with little interest attached, usually 5%. Often farmers’ associations begin by ROSCA groups to generate resources for their

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