The Importance Of Emotions In Driving

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Driving with emotion can happen to anyone on any given day, but it needs to be taught to be controlled. Emotions are described by Pearson’s driver’s training book as strong feelings. The most common emotion shown in the car that takes the most effect would be anger; specifically since occurs so much and has its own term, road rage. While anger is a very much so displayed emotion in driving, other ones like sorrow, depression and anxiety all effect driving for the worst and can cause you to be an offensive driver or have wrecks. These emotions that drivers have affect them mentally and physically, and drivers need all the concentration and focus they can have on the road to ensure good driving practices. While these emotions are mental and…show more content… states, “Do not lose control or let emotions take over, and counter them with positive thoughts. If you need to apply makeup, read a map or correct your children, pull off to the side of the road to complete the task. Only return to the roadway once you are able to focus your full attention on driving your vehicle safely. Consider grabbing an earpiece for your phone, or connecting the device to your radio and microphone, for hands-free calls anytime. Remember to always maintain your focus on the road while controlling your emotions for a safe drive.” Keeping calm and thinking positive thoughts is the best way to attack aggressive driving because road rage is described by Pearson’s driver’s training book as, “Driving with the intent to hurt others,” so if one were to counter that emotion with positive thoughts and calmness, then they would go back to driving without emotion. Even still, sometimes driver’s won’t get rid of their anger and the opposing driver just has to avoid that driver or any social contact to let them simmer down over what’s

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