The Importance Of Thinking

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Should I, or should I not? A question which is so powerful that it can decide whether the actions to follow will be suitable or not, a question around which our lives resolve, a simple question that can change who we are forever. Yet these questions are often taken for granted and ignored. Why? Because many people refuse to think before they make sound judgments. According to the Oxford dictionary thinking is defined as, “using thought or rational judgment”. Thinking may include all forms of imagination, cognitions, perceptions, conception and memory. Sometimes the term thinking can be used to mean the process of problem solving, which can be done by insight or by trial and error. Generally, thinking occurs when something goes wrong with or…show more content…
Reasoning is also a kind of thinking. According to Oxford dictionary, it is defined as a “process of arriving at a new judgment on the basis of one or more judgments as premises”. As mature adults, we actively engage in these skills in our everyday thinking. We decide when to ask for help or what method can be used to solve a problem. These skills can help us decide which elements we understand and which we do not understand. Thinking about your own thought can be broken down into two distinct but interrelated areas. These include, the awareness of one’s thinking and the ability to manage one’s own thinking…show more content…
Cognitive processes are about knowledge and the way a person use their knowledge. When one is mindfully aware of his or her thought, he or she is able to discern how their preference influences their personality. However, with mindful awareness we can make sense of our perceptions and learn from our experiences, whereby we can vastly improve our chances of success in a world of conflicting interests’ and innumerable distractions. As an individual continues to gain insight through observing into their own thoughts and the actions of others, they become precise in their responses and tolerant in their attitude as time goes by. One can practice mindfulness as a way of life and can learn a lot from their experiences, even while performing the most ordinary tasks such as listening to a conversation and asking questions. Both the approaches are very useful and can be practiced complimentarily to develop depth consciousness (becoming aware of what is happening in your mind, even when you are interacting with situations and people) and keenness of
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