Reflection About Life

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A life lived like Jesus is a life well lived. One very important person taught me that life lesson only by doing it himself. He taught me that there is more than the material in this world. He shows compassion, humility, leadership, and challenges me daily to live the same way. While doing this, he also empowers me seek the times of laughter and fun. Everyone at our church anticipates how much fun Fall Fest will be. At Fall Fest, our church-wide event, Luke planned a surprise with all of the high school students. He wanted us to dress up in costumes then run around while throwing out candy. I am extremely appreciative that people who have never attended our church before will remember me as the girl in the ridiculous costume. But he did…show more content…
He has devoted time to knowing every side of the story so he knows how to answer obscure questions. Although I love this, what makes him a great high school ministries pastor is not that he preaches well and knows all the answers. It is that he never acts like a braggart, but instead takes what he preaches and applies those lessons to his own life. His humility was displayed most on a mission trip to Los Angeles. Luke told the students we were going to eat plain, unseasoned, white rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It didn’t sound completely terrible until it was the hottest day of the trip and all of our work was being done outside. We made it through breakfast, but lunch came around and most of us could only consume half of our servings. Luke told us rather than seeking happiness from food, we must abnegate our selfish desires and instead seek joy from the Lord. He set this great example for us to follow, not by his words but by his actions. We could see Luke complete this rice challenge facilely. The only possible answer was Luke’s fervent prayers because, believe me, it’s harder than it looks. Eventually we had complained so much that Luke was gracious and made us an incredible spaghetti dinner. Even though he made it through rice day with ease and without a complaint, Luke never boasted as though he was superior to others. His leadership through setting examples is

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