The Importance Of Soft Skills

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In today’s world, where demand for skilled workforce has increased considerably, it has become critical for everyone to sharpen soft skills along with technical knowledge and expertise. With the changing demands expectation of business enterprise with workforce is also changing. And to meet the ever increasing demand and expectation of business enterprise, workforce has left with no choice but to be equipped with sound knowledge of soft skills in combination with hard skills before entering the job market. There is infinite growth in well-paying job opportunities due to liberalization, privatization and globalization. However, an infinite number of fresh graduates are produced every year, but there is a lack of employable graduates since the…show more content…
Soft skills play an active role in the development of one’s overall personality, employability, positive attitude, thereby enhancing career opportunities. They make a person individually unique. These skills are about enabling and empowering. They are crucial to compete successfully in the ever-growing business environment. Team building, leadership, motivating, problem solving, decision making, negotiating, collaborating, and delegating are all much easier if one has excellent soft skills. A blend of both hard and soft skills is what that decides the fate of an organization. Therefore, enriching soft skills is the demand of the day. Due to globalization of industries, business enterprise has employees from different sections of society with different culture, beliefs, language and backgrounds. Considering the multiculturalism and multilingualism found in an organization, enhancing soft skills have become all the more important tool in the hands of the management to achieve organizational goals. Soft skills help the organization in uniting the workforce and make them work towards the attainment of the objectives set by the…show more content…
After having elaborated on hard and soft skills and their importance, the answer to how to develop soft skills is still open. Considering the fact that the demand for soft skills has increased worldwide, it has become decisive to develop soft skills beyond technical expertise. There are numerous ways to develop soft skills; • The first obvious ways to develop soft skills is to change individual perception, approach to different situation, behavior, thought pattern, attitude and have strong observation. Practice is must to improve soft skills. One should be self-motivated to improve the skills. Learning by doing is best applicable to soft skills development. • Faculties of educational institutions have a special responsibility in imparting the soft skills in fresh graduates, which in turn has a good effect on placements, campus interviews and career. Thus, teachers should focus on providing the students a quality education necessary for soft skills development. • Awareness and motivation regarding the importance of soft skills should be created among the

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