Unemployment In Malaysia Case Study

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2.0 Analytical Review 2.1 Issues Of Unemployment Among Graduates In Malaysia Higher education has been widely recognised as one of the primary forces that our country need to achieve a sustainable in economic growth. In Malaysia, our government already announced about the target that at least 40% of the Malaysian population should receive a university education by the year 2010, as compared to only 28% in 2005 (“Sasaran 40% ke”, 2005). To achieve this objective the Malaysian university education sector has been expanded rapidly both in terms of number of universities and student enrolment. In the midst of this rapid growth, the concern of unemployed graduates is gaining momentum in Malaysia (Bagayah and Smith, 2005; Lim,…show more content…
All this companies believe that if a high skilled graduates are fluent in English communication and they will work more effectively within the organization to improve productivity. According to Wei S. L (2011), the study found 50 Private Companies in Selangor and Perak recruitment of employees depends on their command of fluent in English language. So, from this we can see that how important communication as your tools when you want to apply for a work. Moreover, now days many companies tend to recruit a candidate who possess an additional languages such as Mandarin, France and Japanese. Those third speaking language can be a bonus mark for who did have it but we can see today how percent of fresh graduates that have this sort of skills. For the soft skills elements, Malaysia is based on National Transformation 2050 of becoming a developed nation the graduates not only excellent in academics but depending on soft skills and practical skills. Company believe that when they appoint this person to work with them the change will occur effectively in organizations where a person is recruited graduates have a variety of soft skills as illustrated

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