Importance Of Human Skills In An Organization

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1. INTRODUCTION Human skills have become absolutely essential for the success of the organizations and the individuals. Any organization dealing with customers face-to-face, are more progressive if they train their employees on Human skills. They could achieve any target by imbibing good people skills. Importantly, the people who interact across the industries, many professionals and subject matter experts globally need Human skills training periodically to understand their cultural and business background to communicate effectively. Human skills complement hard skills. But hard skills cannot be replaced with Human skills. Traditionally Human skills were unaccountable, where as hard skills were crucial for the performer. Today regardless the type of job or industry Human skills is the vital area for success. In the booming corporate world the discussions and transactions happens worldwide. In IT industry it is very important to be technically sound undoubtedly, whereas they should also be good in conceptualizing and conveying in a very simple way. Execution of any project is as important as planning it. Human skills involve the technique of dealing with people. It teaches to interact with people directly in the pleasing way. Hence the employers demand their employees to be trained in Human skills in addition to their standard qualifications.…show more content…
According to managers to find employees with good hard skills is easier than finding workers with good Human skills which company looks for. Managers from HR dept are ready to hire workers who demonstrate high level of “Human skill” and then train them for the requirement. Employers are now looking for people who can do more than just perform the set of tasks. They are searching for more than a qualification. Highlighting the Human skills training can put anybody to a considerable advantage over similarly qualified

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