Hr Strategy In Amazon

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Introduction, Inc is a Seattle based Electronic commerce and cloud computing company. The Ceo and founder of Amazon is Jeff Bezo’s, founded in 1994. 1997 company goes public and become the first internet based retailer to secure one million customers. 2001 reports its first net profit during the fourth quarter. Ref (, 2015). Over the years Amazon has grown & become a well-known, successful online company whom has hardworking and intelligent staff who help achieve this goal on a daily basis. In this assignment I will deal with how Amazon should take a soft approach HR generic strategy and what policies best align with this. HR generic strategy The HRM strategy I have chosen is one the soft approches…show more content…
The purpose and benefits of the best practise are mainly aimed at the roots i.e. employees. Training and personal development are encouraged as a result of this the employees show better performance and higher productivity. Therefore results in higher sales and revenue for company. Amazon can use Best Practise Hr strategy in order to enhance employee satisfaction. Best Practise is a tangible way Amazon can demonstrate employee recognition and appreciation. Amazon have learned that well-treated employees are top producers, resulting in positive company growth. Best practise will justify Amazon in long run as employee development is a very important ingredient in company growth and development in all sectors of the…show more content…
Each one of the factors are important and have relevant importance in seeking out the ‘perfect’ candidate. The recruitment process can be long in many ways but above all Amazon need to advertise their business in an attractive way to ensure they reach an audience of people who would achieve high within the business be it in Advertising, engineering or computer science. HR planning ‘Workforce planning to me is getting systems and procedures in place so that you've got the right amount of people with the right skills, the right behaviours, working in the right place at the right time, now and in the future.’ (Hazel Stimson, Harrod UK from CIPD podcast) Amazon HRM team would have long and short term plans in achieving goals from month to month and year to year. This plan would be souley based on on employment and employee goals and how they would be achieved. Hr planning is made up of tools and techniques such as recruitment and selection, performance management and HR development. Amazon can use these tools in order to achieve a HR plan that shows results after each stage. All these tools are relevant to Amazon in achieving a solid plan based on the management of people in building an empire high ecommerce
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