Essay About Hard Skills

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Throughout the years, rapid developments have emerged in the field of science and information technology. Variety of gadgets, applications and machines had been introduced. These changes then resulted to a high demand for I.T. specialists who meet the demands of the economy and satisfy the needs of the people. However, nowadays, companies are having conflict on finding I.T. graduates who are already fit for employment. The acquisition of hard skills and soft skills needed by I.T. graduates is significant and is therefore given a big consideration by the companies in hiring employees. Hard skills are the technical abilities needed to perform a particular job. The hard skills employees possess depend on the industry that the employee is working in. These…show more content…
graduating students possess may take a big part in employment but the soft skills that the students acquire are also taken into consideration by the employers. Unlike hard skills, soft skills are self-developed and self-taught. These skills are not very specific to any kind of industry or job. Soft skills refer to the interpersonal skills and/or personal values that I.T. graduating students possess. Soft skills include communication skills, leadership skills, and ethical working skills. (Enterprise Rent-A-Car, n.d.)Language proficiency, both oral and written, in English and Filipino which is part of the communication skills is important to be acquired by I.T. graduating students for communication itself takes a big part in the excellent and successful performance of any kind of job. The soft skills acquired by I.T. graduating students is significant because it shows the values that the students can demonstrate while on work, and how the students can fit in the working environment. It also shows how the students will deal with the challenges that will be offered by the industry. In addition, the way the employees treat fellow employees can also affect the overall quality of work to be

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