The Importance Of Sleep

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Sleep is defined as a condition of being inactive where in our body system temporarily stop operating (New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary, 2004). Sleep was described as a way for our body to ease off and relax. People must sleep 8 hours a day to fully regain their energy (World Book Dictionary, 2003). Actually, it is exactly 8 hours and 36 minutes (Rath, 2013). Sleep reconditions the body and helps to restore our strength and energy (Babcock, 2012). It is a state of unconsciousness and happens naturally to people. On the other hand, the World Book Dictionary considered sleep as a synonym of the word rest (World Book Dictionary, 2003). Sleep happens regularly to human and in this condition the activity of our body stops including our body movement, reflex irritability, sensitivity and other processes of our system. It covers one third of every human’s lives and is consider one of the most significant factors of our bodies aside from water, food and shelter. The main purpose of sleep is to restore the energy used by the body during leisure activities. Another thing is that sleep helps people to recuperate stress and fatigue (Collier, 1994). The amount of sleep…show more content…
Resting more can actually maximize achievemet. Sleep deprivation greatly affects our mood and energy, and it's actually hard to learn, focus and concentrate which actually have direct effects on our performance in school. It also decreases one's productivity, alertness and awareness. Cognitive performance was highly at risk when losing hours of sleep because it also have effects on memory, mental processing such as solving problems and making decisions, and even adaptability skills. Excelling academically is achievable with having enough of sleep, so definitely, more sleep is the
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