The Importance Of Salvation

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JD Greear states that you pray it's a posture of benefits in faith that is express on a prayer. But it’s not a prayer that saves you, but it’s the posture that saves you. Salvation simply is depending the finish work of Christ. And often depart and stop asking Jesus into your heart. Whenever Scripture talks about insurance and salvation, it always talks about in the present of dates. It's the one who believes. Those who believe in Jesus Christ makes the exclusive claim that His death provided the only way of salvation, they point to His declaration, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). (Core Christianity, Elmer Towns, pg. 29). Salvation occurs when we trust Jesus as our Savior. He forgives us. Transforms us, and sees us as righteous. At that moment, we are redeemed, and though we continue to struggle with sin, it is a defeated foe. Then as times goes on, our service gifts and love for Him should naturally become greater. Salvation is not just the new birth of your spirit; it is also peace of your mind and hearing for your body. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words says, salvation deliverance from danger and apprehension. Mark 16:15-16 says, do ye into the…show more content…
Salvation is a sovereign act of God’s mercy through Jesus Christ. When someone is spiritually in their sins and trespasses, they are incapable of helping themselves (Ephesian 2:4 -6 and 2:8-9). Ephesians 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5 teach that we can’t save ourselves in any possible way. And if this were the end of the story, there would be NO hope, No peace, NO comfort, NO joy, and NO salvation available to you and me. But fortunately, God extends His own offer for us to accept His free gift of salvation (Praxis: Beyond Theory, Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez, pg.

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