Comparison Of 'Eleven And Salvation'

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The stories “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros, and “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, are two very similar and beautifully written stories. The story “Eleven” is about a young girl who had recently turned eleven and a few days later she attends her school only to find that everyone in the class assumes a ratty old red sweater is hers because of her poorness. She goes on to complain about how people are really never eleven, but are just a few days older than the age they were before. The story “Salvation” is about a young boy who visits a church service. During the service the congregation has an altar call where the unbelievers travel to the front to accept Christ into their lives. The young boy is under great amounts of pressure during the service, and is basically forced to go to the front as a result from the pressuring. At the end of the story the narrator explains that he did not truly accept the gift of salvation that day. In both stories the main issue of poverty is developed. Both main characters are poverty stricken and this significantly contributes to the main storylines. Furthermore, these stories have many differences, as seen in symbols and the characters, but they both have many of literary…show more content…
The first-person perspective provides the audience of readers with the feelings and thoughts of the young girl who is eleven years old. However, she claims that she is only given the title of eleven years old and she is really just a few days older than ten years old. This is very important to the story as this shows how society can take a person for granted. In this case, society assumes that she is eleven, but she is really only given that title as a reference point. She also explains how she is also ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one years old all at the same time and that the different emotions she express is correspondent to a certain

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