Christian Worldview Essay

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“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1, English Standard Version). The importance of our faith and our belief system is something that cannot be stressed enough. Our faith and our beliefs affect us deeply, from the way we speak and act, to who we choose to associate with and our perceptions of reality. Though many of us as individuals may align with a single worldview, we also tend to pick and choose specific ideas to commit to, without even realizing how risky such decisions could possibly be. A belief system based upon contradictive ideas could prove to be harmful, by building a defective moral compass and leading us into a succession of bad choices, while a belief system based…show more content…
As the root cause of human problems is the departure from wisdom, the Christian solution to these problems is to immerse oneself in this wisdom, or fear of God. Faith being an essential factor in the acquisition of this knowledge. “Specifically, faith is refusing to be confident in one’s own ability to establish or ensure a relationship with God and instead entrusting oneself to Jesus Christ to procure and preserve that relationship.” (Merrick, 2014). Therefore, salvation is found not in the self-admiration of one’s own good deeds, but instead in the humble acceptance of God’s forgiveness and giving oneself over to Christ through the admiration of his work and teachings. Once this relationship with God is at the forefront of life, one’s ability to perceive life in a less selfish manner improves, and living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, such as viewing at sinners through eyes of compassion rather than judgement, becomes much…show more content…
I was raised Catholic but because of either the wrong teachers or my own incorrect interpretation, I found the religion to be a negative influence on me, as it left me riddled with anxieties. I have always kept the general principles of being a good person and viewing human nature and every individual as a creation that deserves the utmost respect, but my stance on a higher power became more of an impersonal one. The bad habits that I created out of a misinterpretation of Catholicism caused me to be happier with the stance of no afterlife and that human actions are inconsequential when it comes to a higher power. Though I believe there will never be an answer to the question of creation with absolute certainty, the mainstream scientific theory of evolution and the creation of the universe is the easiest for me to accept yet I do believe in some sort of a higher power. For that reason, I find the theistic evolution theory of Christianity to be very
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