Mary In Religion

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Salvation is defined as the act of saving of protecting from harm, risk, loss or destruction, in the Catholic perspective Mary plays an important role in salvation. For this essay salvation means our belief in Jesus Christ and how to trust in him, Mary has a precise place in the plan of salvation and a special place within tradition and devotion. She has a singular divinity and draws a higher level of veneration than all other saints. Mary helps bring about these two kinds of salvation through her three major roles of Theotokos, Mediatrix and heart of the Christian Church. Evidence of these roles are found in scripture, prayers, papal documents, bishop statements and the catechism. The theme of salvation is important in the Church, made…show more content…
The title Mediatrix is common in Roman Catholic Mariology it refers to her intercessory role of the Virgin Mary as a mediator in the salvific redemption of Jesus Christ. It is an ancient title used by a number of saints, it was used a lot in the Middle Ages. These three roles link to salvation as they all give us a better understanding of how important Mary was in the life of Christ and how she was entrusted to bring Christ to this earth and save us. Images of Mary are commonly seen in in the west. To begin with artists Emphasised Mary as the Queen of Heaven and she was often depicted enthroned religious art, Byzantine images of Mary were adopted in large altarpieces. Her regal status of Queen of Heaven is shown through he dominance of the picture plane, the viewers eye always drawn to her, the main event. Mary is known to wear a blue gown, which would have been made of expensive material, the small details all relate to her image of queen. Gold leaf guiding was very popular in the late 12th and early 13th century, gold another dare material was used to illuminate Mary as she was a ‘worshipped’ person candles would have been lit and the public would have come into churches to pray to her, the damage to these works which can be seen in Duccio’s ‘Madonna and Child’ show the veneration the public…show more content…
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son born of a women…” Galatians 4:4. She was chosen to bear Christ who would be our saviour, chosen for us to worship through prayer, hymns, scripture. This is evident in the Hail Mary as it writes “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinner, now and at the hour of our death” She is the mother of God, aids our salvation through Gods forgiveness of our sin. Jesus gained our salvation through her crucifixion. He saved
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