Luther's 95 Theses Analysis

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Martin Luther was a German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic church. He was both a revolutionary and a conservative in the sense that he felt strongly about the aspects from both views. For example, Luther spoke and acted upon the corruption of the Catholic church, he took action and decided how he would gain the nation's support. In 1517 he wrote his 95 theses, or statements of his belief which attacked the church's practices. Although Luther was against the Catholic church, he was also against social and political changes from the traditional views of the time. Luther was against the selling of indulgences, and social change such as the peasant revolt. In Luther’s 95 theses, he wrote in displeasment with some of the clergy's abuses, most notably the sale of indulgences. This is really the issue that started the Protestant reformation. The act of paying a fee to the church was the…show more content…
The revolution also allowed other protestant views to emerge into society. Luther created Lutheranism, which is a branch of Protestant Christianity that identifies with Luther’s theology that there is only a need for two of the sacraments. The sacraments, or the sacred acts of divine institution. The two that Luther emphasized that you needed were, baptism, and penance. Although Luther did regard to the Eucharist, he affirms the presence of the blood and body of Christ in the Eucharist, but denies the teaching that the mass is a sacrifice to god. He writes that baptism brings justification only if joined with saving faith in the recipient. This remains the foundation for salvation for those who might fall and be reclaimed. As for penance, its spirit is comprised of the words of promise received by faith. Only these practices can be regarded as sacraments because of their divine institution and promises of salvation attached to

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