The Importance Of Quality In Healthcare

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According to the Institute of Medicine, health care quality is defined as “the degree to which healthcare services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.” Patients and their families know quality care when they experience it. Whether its how fast a nurse responds, a doctor’s bedside manner, or even the atmosphere of the hospital itself; these simple things can affect how patients and their families feel about the quality of care they receive. Positive feedback from the patients leads to the goodwill of service providers in the market, which expands business, whereas negative feedback makes a business shrink (Gupta & Rokade, 2016). The first…show more content…
In my lifetime, I have experienced many doctors and hospital visits. Not just for myself, but also for my parents. I attend their doctor visits to act as translator for them. Through the years I have come across the nicest doctors I will ever meet, but I have also come across doctors who were not as nice. Both experiences served to teach me that it is not about where you go to receive care, it’s about how you are treated as a patient and individual. The name of a hospital or facility can mean nothing when the staff is not patient-oriented or patient-centric. To be patient-centered, one must provide care that is respectful to the patient’s preferences, needs, and values. The patient’s values also guide all clinical decisions (Cherry & Jacob, 2017). To my family and I, quality care means that the patient is the center of it all. One must take into consideration everything that is important to the patient, whether it’s their religion or culture. It’s our responsibilities as care providers that we must respect the patient, and it is important to us as patients to feel important and to feel like someone cares and wants to

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