Quality Chasm Report

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Discuss the IOM competencies of patient-centered care and quality improvement and their accompanying KSA. Discuss how you apply these competencies in your practice The Institute of Medicine strives to ensure appropriate healthcare is delivered to patients by recommending quality improvement approaches. The Quality Chasm report provided by the Institute of Medicine strives to ensure quality improvement in the 21st century. The IOM identifies core competencies that are needed for healthcare providers, which include: providing patient-centered care, working in interdisciplinary teams, employing evidence-based practice, applying quality improvement, and utilizing informatics (National Library of Medicine, n.d.) Suggestions made to ensure quality…show more content…
68). It is important to remember to include the patient in planning the plan of care, involving the patient and respecting the patient’s preferences is an excellent way to ensure compliance from the patient. According to Drenkard (2013) there are six dimensions of patient-centered care including: 1. Respect for patients’ values, preferences, and expressed…show more content…
Involving the patient in the plan of care increases the opportunity to provide education to patients and also increases the patient’s compliance with care. Working as a home healthcare nurse, I feel I have an advantage in regards to KSA’s. Entering into the patients' homes, I can better understand that patients way of life and their living/financial situations that may prevent them from being compliant with the plan of care. Working home health, I feel it is easier to “see healthcare situations ‘through patients’ eyes’” as suggested by the KSA’s of patient-centered care (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2012, p. 363). I can recognize if the patient is compliant with discharge instructions provided by the hospital. Often I discover that patients did not receive or retain the information/education provided to them throughout their hospital stay and/or at the time of discharge from the hospital. Often I feel this is because patient-centered care was not delivered. I believe respecting the patient and their wishes and taking the time to ensure the patient understands the plan of care and the education provided to them is necessary when providing patient-centered care. In my current practice, I take the time to build relationships with the patient, provide education, involve them in the plan of care, involve the patient’s family members in the plan of care if the patient chooses to do so, and I also ensure all of the patient’s

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