The Importance Of Public Relations

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Public relations is establish a good relationship with the public and promote the development of this relationship to the favorable direction. Some companies and public institutions need to create a positive public relations, maintain their company's good image in public.(Public relations, 2015) It is generally known that many large companies have set up Public Relations Departments to solve all kinds of problems between companies and public. Those companies have a Public Relations Department to ensure that the company doesn't have any scandals and looks positive in the eyes of the clients. When a company in the eyes of the public has a good image, the people of the company's credibility is quite high, the business plan of all will become easier.…show more content…
There are many kinds of definitions about public relation which is abbreviated as PR. 'Successful public relations depends on communication, put your comments and ideas to others, so that they listen to, the ability to get them to take action. And communication technologies are changing now depend on every day .'( Robert L.B, February 2010). The establishment of the public relations through some activities or media to the customer to establish a higher prestige and enhance customer's image.Some sports brand company held its own branded games, please star as their own brand endorsement and through the media to show their brand. All of these activities are in order to improve and maintain their company's public relations. So that customers are satisfied with the company and trust, the company's reputation and public relations will be…show more content…
This problem has emerged over a decade, but the Japanese company failed to respond immediately, leading to growing public anger and resentment, four deaths presumed defects bear direct responsibility. When the company made a response, if executives were to blame their suppliers, leading to a public relations disaster.(Silver,David 2013). For a large enterprise such as TOYOTA, the customer's trust is not a short time to build up. But it happens that a low level of technical error and the driver's death, which will lead to the credibility of the Toyota Corporation will be reduced to a lot of customers.For Toyota, it is not just the loss of millions in revenue only, but the credibility and trust, which makes Toyota in the world have suffered public relations disaster. "Toyota vehicle are safe to drive." Toyota was right about their products but wrong in the manager with which is tried to control the message. Should actively to solve the problem of large companies like this problem and give consumers a reasonable answer. And products in the future to avoid the recurrence of the same problem, the only way to gradually get the trust of consumers.As for the incident, should apologize to the victims and for a certain amount of compensation,

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