Positive Issues In Public Relations

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From bad taste to communications goof ups, the Public Relations industry has witnessed some of the worst mishaps in the business world. Despite playing a key role in helping organisations improve their public image, many believe that PR domain has failed miserably to position itself as a profit reaping domain. Over the years, PR has emerged as an absolute necessity for enterprises; still not everyone is capable to explain what it is all about. In fact, the best PR agencies are often required to explain that they don’t do advertisements, radio jingles or even write stories for the clients. They are responsible for brand building, client promotion and enact the role of image saviour, if needed. Furthermore, public relations firms persuade the…show more content…
• Definition of Public Relations It is a strategic communication process that focuses on building fruitful relationships between the organisations and their audiences. Many public relations firms have started to position the industry as ‘persuasion business’ as it convinces and influences audiences for promoting an idea/product/business. PR encompasses of building narratives apart from strengthening business reputation via Social Media, Media or even self-proclaimed communications. An efficient PR practitioner undertakes analysis of an organisation, identify the positive messages and transform them into positive stories. PR practitioners are famously known as ‘image shapers’ as they mitigate damage during times of crisis. Apart from generating positive publicity for clients, reputation building is their forte as well. The big question now – what are the popular tools does PR professionals use to carry out their routine work? Let us take a close look at these tools below - a) Creation and disbursement of press releases b) Developing pitches about businesses and sharing them with journalists/media…show more content…
Although, the approach adopted by both the industries is quite similar but the battle is about unpaid vs paid, bought vs earned, skeptical vs credible. While, advertising makes a business look enticing and attractive on the other hand, PR brings credibility. In simple words, PR is more effective as compared to advertising One of the crucial differences between PR and advertisement is ‘price’. Public Relations firms are usually hired on monthly/yearly basis. For instance, a business organisation needs to spend a considerable amount for a full-page ad whereas getting quoted in a newspaper does not require any monetary investment. Moreover, the advertising firms only create a rosy picture of the businesses. PR practitioners deal with crisis situations, image enhancement and building of long-term relationships as a business is dependent on media for getting recognition. • News, news and news Before a PR enterprise is hired or a campaign is started, it is crucial to understand the type and nature of news. This is of crucial relevance to anyone who is keen to understand, execute and also use the power of PR. Always remember that journalists, speakers, bloggers and also media influencers do not work for you, hence managing to bag front page coverage is not easy. Before approaching them, find answers to commonly asked questions like – what’s the story all about, would it be an interesting read for the audiences,

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