Human Resource Management Case Study

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1. Introduction Human resource management was previously known as personnel management which was concerned with the activities of a single department. It was typically concerned with the administration of human. 1.1 Strategic Human Resources Management The concept of strategic human resources management (SHRM) refers to the various sorts of methods and activities employed in the process of trying to effectively managing the human resources based on a strategic form of consideration, so as to explore the optimal potentials of the organization concerned (Hwang, 2011). According to the theories of SHRM, human resources in an organization are regarded as a most valuable sort of resources available to the organization. The strategic development…show more content…
For doing this, Ford occupied internal and external thoughts as well as the skills that are wanted. Ford must make and measure the skill level of its workforce and plan as work nature changes for future. Ford has rapid changes in demand or technology and planned for the next year or even 10 or 20 years. Ford is thought the world’s mainly innovative car maker. Ford centers on product innovation thinking both R & D and customer wants such as the first car maker to set up a hybrid car. 1.4 Objectives of the Assignment This assignment focused on the purpose of identifying core concepts of SHRM theories. In addition, this assignment will also be laid on the process of identifying and analyzing the critical approaches of SHRM used in effectively boosting the improvement of core competences of a specific organization in the global automobile industry sector, Ford. The lack of sufficient attention paid to the application of SHRM in Ford in terms of the talent selection and staff training is to be analyzed in details in the assignment. 2.0. Strategy of…show more content…
The major critical aspects of SHRM applied by excellent leaders in an organization include the talent selection strategies, staff training and development strategies, performance assessment strategies and rewards systems. The SHRM issues and efficiency in Ford can be best revealed and analyzed through a series of particularly influential aspects in the strategic management process of the organization to compete with other leading car manufacturers in the international market, as are analyzed and discussed in the critical analysis to the SHRM activities and processes in the selected organization, Ford. The strengths of the SHRM approaches employed at Ford can be best revealed through two aspects. Firstly, the strategies employed at Ford for the purpose of effectively dealing with the various sorts of problems witnessed in the contemporary process of HRM in the various subsidiaries of the organization were designed with enough attention paid to identifying the actual defects of the operations management in the
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