The Importance Of Personality

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Do you think people's personality are the same ? Personality is the most difficult terminology to understand and describe. In short, Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. For example, you could have some friends who are more talkative than others. You may have some friends who love to be taken risks and others who are risk-averse. This consistency is an essential requirement for personality theory because it attributes a person’s behavior to something within him or her—the individual’s personality—rather than to purely environmental influences. There are two main factors that could shape your personality, genetic and environment. First, genetic defined as a branch of medical science…show more content…
Traits such as sociable , depressed , cautious , and talkative represent clusters of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that allow us to identify, differentiate, and understand people. The "Big-Five" factors are Conscientiousness , Neuroticism , Agreeableness , Extroversion and Openness to experience. First, Conscientiousness characterize people who are accurate , dependable , and self-disciplined. In contrast, People with less conscientiousness tend to be careless , less comprehensive , more confused , and irresponsible. Second, Neuroticism characterizes people with high levels of worry, hostility, depression, and self-consciousness. On the other hand, people with less neuroticism (high emotional stability) are poised, secure, and calm. Third, Agreeableness, This dimension includes the traits of being polite , kind , empathic , and caring. People with less agreeableness tend to be short-tempered, irritable and uncooperative. Forth, openness to experience generally refers to the extent to which people are creative, imaginative, aesthetically sensitive and curious. On the other hand, People who score low at this dimension tend to be less open to new ideas, more traditional, more resistant and fixed in their ways. Finally, Extroversion characterizes people who are talkative, outgoing, assertive and sociable. On the other hand, introversion is the opposite, which characterizes those who are shy, quiet and careful. Extroverts get their energy from the outer world. While introverts get their energy from the internal world. For example, Introverts feel quite comfortable being alone, while extroverts do not feel

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