Why I Want To Be A Teacher Essay

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During my Freshman year of high school, I realized my dream career: a high school English teacher. To others, being a teacher sounds like a lifetime filled with overworking, underpayment, disrespectful parents, overbearing administration, and non caring students. Yet, to me, being a teacher sounds like the most rewarding job imagined. Personally, high school has been underwhelming. I expected four years of adventures and knowledge, but instead I received four years of stress, anxiety, and depression. High school was my hell. Why would I want to return to it? While high school as a student was difficult, I want to return as a teacher in order to provide an escape for my students. Throughout the years, some of my teachers brought honesty and sincerity into their…show more content…
I am currently trying to organize the nonfiction books into the Dewey Decimal system which is a challenge when I am a junior in high school. For my sixteenth birthday, my parents bought me a prodigious stack of classic literature for me to read. The books ranged from The Invisible Man to The Catcher in the Rye to the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Sometimes, I even research lists of banned books and the reason for the banning. Reading is my passion and is one of my many reasons for wanting to be a high school English teacher. After I graduate college, my plans are to immediately start teaching. During my second year of teaching, I plan to also earn my masters degree. During my fourth year of teaching, I plan to also earn my specialist degree. During my sixth year of teaching, I plan to also earn my gifted certification. During my eighth year of teaching, I plan to also earn my AP certification. Additionally, during my tenth year of teaching, I plan to also earn my doctorate degree. By using this plan, I would have four degrees and be able to teach gifted and AP classes before I turn 35. This plan is highly ambitious, but I remain optimistic in this

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