The Importance Of Organizational Psychology

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Organizational Psychology is the study of people at work. It focuses on comprehending how organisations affect individual behaviour. An Organizational/Industrial Psychology can be defined as “The application of psychological principles, theory and research to the work setting. (Landy & Conte, 2010, p.8). Organisational psychology is devoted to developing strategies to improve organisations. This suggests that Organisational psychologists have an important task to ensure that the workplace is fulfilling and that workers are productive in order for the business to have the best output from existing resources. The organization development field requires changing organizations to make them more effective due to the rapidly growing global competition.…show more content…
The profession in South Africa is growing excessively, more and more South African organisations are looking for Organizational Psychologists, students are increasingly enrolling to pursue a degree in the field and more individuals are branching into the profession. “The field of industrial psychology has experienced tremendous growth over the last three decades in South Africa. Almost all universities have industrial psychology departments in addition to psychology departments (established in the 1960s or 1970s), and student numbers at these universities continue to rise.” (Nicholas, 2008, p.301). Moreover in the democratic South Africa, the profession is required to correct the injustices of the past in organisations and promote fairness in the work place. Organisational Psychology practices are mainly determined by the law implemented post…show more content…
Organisations need Industrial Psychologists in order to run the best business possible and to have a peaceful, co-operative and success driven staff. This cannot be achieved by replacing one with a Human Resource Manager. Human Resource managers do not study human behaviour and behaviour in organisations and will fail to manipulate staff to view issues in a different perspective in order to get the best possible output. The profession in South Africa is growing excessively, more and more South African organisations are looking for Organizational Psychologists and more individuals are branching into the profession. Reference list: Bisen, V., & Priya. (2010). Industrial psychology (1st Ed.). New Delhi: New Age International Ltd. Landy, F. & Conte, J. (2010). Work in the 21st century (1st Ed.). Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell. Nicholas, L. (2008). Introduction to Psychology (2nd Ed.). Cape Town: UCT Press. S. van Aswegen, S. Banhegyi, S.Botha, A Crafford, R. Kleynhans, L. Markham, W. Meyer, A. Moerdyk, P. Nel,C. o'Neill, A. Schlechter, B. Train (2008). Fresh Perspectives: Industrial Psychology: Stellenbosch Custom Publication (2nd Ed.). Cape Town: Pearson
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