Clinical Mental Health Counseling Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter 1 After reading Chapter 1 from “Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community and Agency Settings” by Deborah W. Newsome and Samuel T. Gladding, I had a better understanding of the purpose of clinical mental health counseling and how it all began. This chapter clearly illustrated how professional counseling evolved thought-out the years and its significance in today’s world. The book starts by giving us the chronological order of events in the counseling world staring from the 1900’s until the 21st century. First thing that catches the reader’s attention, is the little story about the man who is saving lives at the river, but then realizes that best way to prevent people from dying in the stream is to find the source of the problem…show more content…
I had the impression that counseling had begun in the 1880s with figures like Pavlov and Freud. It seems like before the 1900s counseling was not really looked at as a profession, it was more characterized by giving guidance. The explosion of counseling careers began with Frank Parsons, who established the Boston Vocational Bureau, an intuition that focused on helping young students find their paths in life. One of my favorite decades in the history of counseling is the 1940s. I consider myself a true fan of Carl Roger’s client- centered approach to counseling, and this one was developed during that time. The thing I like about this approach is that the clients must always feel in control during therapy. Instead of the therapist being judgmental and giving opinions, she or he would guide the client to make their own decisions and be supportive at all times. I personally see myself using this technique in the…show more content…
Counseling and clinical psychologists often achieve related work as investigators or consultants and may work side by side in any number of settings, including educational organizations, hospitals, community mental health centers, self-regulating practice, and university treatment centers, where they may have coinciding roles and occupations. To enlarge to the misperception, the term clinical psychology is sometimes used in a common sense by lawmakers to refer to psychologists authorized to provide direct services in health care settings, regardless of their schooling. Nevertheless, both counseling and clinical psychologists are licensed in all states as licensed psychologists, and as such are all able to practice individually as health care contributors. Counseling psychologists are laboring in a wide range of settings including college and university counseling centers, university research and teaching positions, autonomous practice, health care settings, hospitals, organizational consulting groups, and many others. Also there are psychiatrists, which careers are very different from psychologists. Psychiatrists have the right to prescribed drugs because they completed different types of studies, including 4 years of medical

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