Teacher Job Performance

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Coble & Murray (1984) found that the most effective teachers were motivated self-actualizers themselves and by implication also the most effective school managers, enhancing the ability of their learners to become self-actualizers as well. Thus, if the education sector could have majority of the high self-actualized preservice and in-service teachers who can more easily and freely give of themselves to humanity more effectively than the average person’s then this could generate effective human resources for any sector of country’s development. Frankl (1969) says, “Teachers who are successful professionals are self-actualizing people who lead meaningful lives and make a meaningful contribution to the self-actualizing potential of learners in…show more content…
Job performance of the employees is one of the fundamental issues that organizational managers seek to improve it. Since the mid-twentieth century, organizational commitment has been substantially considered and analyzed. All jobs have their certain circumstances. Performance is the doing the tasks by the employees using the abilities and motivations. Therefore, motivational aspects of job after recruiting human resources are of great significance. Job performance referred to an act of accomplishing or executing a given task (Lindsay, 1995; Griffin, 2012). Teacher job performance defined as duties performed by a teacher at a particular period in the school system in achieving organizational goals (Obilade, 1999). Teachers’ job performance could be measured through teacher’s job satisfaction and job attitudes such as job commitment, feelings of job challenge, job meaningfulness and job responsibility (Cheng, 2002). When an individual is satisfied, their job performance might increase. They tend to be more committed to their work. Job performance is important to ensure the quality of instruction taking place at…show more content…
The definition of performance as expected behavior value over an appropriate time, is in complete persistent with the supposition proposed by others that a human's performance can shift over time with modifications in motivated criteria and conditional limitations (Motowidlo, 2003). (Organ 1988, p.4, cited in Motowildlo, 2003, p.46) defined organizational citizenship behavior as "individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization". Some believe that the performance means the results and efficiency of an organization and some define it as the process of doing a task (regardless of the results or outcomes). Both results and working process are emphasized in evaluating the human resources. In other words, performance results from the human activities in terms of doing the tasks and after a while, it may be efficient and productive (Fathi Azar, 2006). Job performance shows the individual potentials, weaknesses, and strengths. Therefore, by evaluating the individuals, their future job career may be identified. Job career is the process of taking different positions in an organization (Saadat, 2008). Organizations should achieve their goals using their employees therefore, the way employees work is effective in this regard. Consequently,

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