Reflective Essay On Decision Making

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Introduction Decision making plays an integral part of every human beings life. Decision making can be defined as the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. A good decision is made by weighing the positives and negatives from every perspective. Besides that, an individual should have the ability to predict the outcome of each choice in order to determine the precise choice. Decision Stream Most of us have misunderstood that all decisions are isolated from each other. We assume that we gather information, identify the alternatives and lastly make the right choice with no regards to previous decisions. On the contrary it is the other way around.. In fact, a stream of decisions surround given decision, most of the decisions made up earlier have led up to this decision and made both possible and limited. Many other decisions will follow from it. (Harris, 2012) Every decision that we make are interconnected. At…show more content…
However, I felt pressured and made the wrong choice of enrolling myself to a program that I had no idea of. Unfortunately, after a few semesters I decided to drop out. I realized that I had made a wrong choice and took some time off to rediscover my passion. Hence, making the wrong decision made me understand that I should not have jumped into something without proper knowledge and understanding. Eventually, somewhere early last year I made another decision of pursuing my studies again. This time I was experienced and wanted to gain qualification in the field I was working. In addition, I also took the time to conduct research on many aspects of my choice. Due to my past experience I made sure this was the field that I want to build my career on and made sure the lectures were on a part time basis. That would give me the freedom of pursuing my degree without the need of quitting my

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