Goal Setting Theory Of Motivation

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What are the fundamental factors essential for firms and organizations to achieve perfection in production and service deliveries? In other words, what are the dynamic factors that drive perfection in production and service delivery of a firm? Why organizations should aim for perfection? Today, most multinational business firms and their subsidiaries aim for flawlessness and efficiency in service deliveries. Competition is driving companies (as well as individuals) to achieve a high degree of perfection in activities related to their professional frontiers, production, or service deliveries. Customers as well are seeking excellence in performance from organizations and firms. These aims and demands are setting new standards in firm-level performance.…show more content…
Goal setting theory is intrinsically related to motivational processes which could explain performance outcomes (Radosevich et al 2007). Besides, Lunengurg’s study revolving around the concept of motivational impact of goal have elicited that managements adopt some form of goal oriented programs, for instance, management by objective (MBO), benchmarking, high-performance work practices, etc. While these studies have definitely highlighted the importance of goal-oriented learning and behavior in relation to employee performance, our study is a further step towards similar attempts to educe the exact reasons behind such correlations. We propose that managements adopt such goal oriented programs not just to motivate and drive employee performances, but they seek to attain some degree of “perfection” in their operations related to routine jobs, production, innovation, sales, marketing and finally, service delivery. In such parlance, this paper explores the link between learning goal orientation and performance which we believe is an implicit one, and thus needs to be…show more content…
This paper therefore attempts to underline the importance of goal oriented learning behavior in organizations by linking teleological aspects with organizational performance. The aim and objective of this paper is to study and analyze how routines and goal-setting behavior can deliver excellence in performance and service delivery. Furthermore, we endeavor to understand how teleological dynamics related to workforce learning play a part in attaining perfectionism in what organizations generally do best, beyond making profits. 2. Goal Orientation and Goal Setting in Organization: Most modern organizations rely heavily on technology and expertise to carry out their operations. Technology requires information whilst expertise demands practical knowledge about such technologies and processes that organizations utilize. Both information and knowledge is gained from learning and practice. Learning has thus become an indispensable aspect of today’s organizational culture (Argote, 2011). Organizations perform better when their workforces are knowledgeable, goal-oriented, and motivated. A skilled workforce that works as a team learns how to work

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