The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication

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Nonverbal communication encompasses a significant part of any culture around the world. It is linked to culture in many different ways. Our body languages, eye contact, greetings, gestures, dress code, facial expressions, are all nonverbal codes that differ and vary across cultures all around the world. Nonverbal communication is like receiving messages that are not spoken or written. They are produced either by the body or related to setting; such us, time and space. Nonverbal communication is “a silent language not formally taught, and which has existed before language was invented” (Calero, 2005:1). Mankind used to communicate using nonverbal messages; for instance, thoughts, attitudes, ideas and emotions, by using gestures,…show more content…
It was the only way that men used to communicate with each other centuries ago by using body language and gestures. It is liked to all the cultures around the world because culture is everything and everywhere. Culture is our believes, values, habits, traditions, language, dress code, rituals, customs, body language. It is shared and learned. Nonverbal communication is part of universally recognised and understood code, and a great deal of our universal behaviour is rooted in our cultures. Nonverbal communication happens intentionally and unintentionally. We use gestures, eye contact and body language every single day of our life, and we use them subconsciously. Calero said that “our awareness of nonverbal communication is vital not only for our survival but also for understanding the needs, feelings, emotions and thoughts of others” (Calero, 2005:5). So, nonverbal communication plays an important role in everyone’s life, and it will enhance our understanding of our cultures and personalities. It will give us the ability to relate to others with more respect, empathy, sympathy, and compassion. Nonverbal communication influences and distinguishes all cultures around the

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