Persuasive Essay On Homeless People

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Kate was only fifteen when she had to experience homelessness for the first time. She was running away from an unsafe home. She slept in a park near her school and attended the first week however, it became too hard to clean up and she was too hungry for her brain to even function. She became a drop out and begged for food outside of stores and was often chased off and screamed at. She was too scared to access services and stayed on the streets much longer because of it. She did not know who to turn to. Kate is not the only homeless teen that had to experience this brutality. There are half a million homeless people in the United States and 10% of them are unsheltered teens (Henry 5). Homelessness is a huge problem socially and economically. It can cost a community as much as $23,000 for one person to be chronically homeless for one year (Homeless 1). This includes jail time, hospitalization, shelter stays, and etcetera. Homeless people are always at risk for attack, abuse, and robbery. Sleeping on the streets is clearly not safe. Homelessness is a…show more content…
Welfare is government provided assistance for those who are unable to support themselves. This includes the unemployed, underemployed, hardship, unskilled labor capacity, disability, or other similar reasons. In many cases, seniors and single parents may also be eligible for aid (Welform 1). But, welfare has not changed since 1996 (Paulsen 1) .That’s almost 20 years with no adaptation to a constantly changing economy. Rates have gone up, the cost of living is more expensive. Welfare pays about $510 dollars to single employable adults (Paulsen 1), but the average bachelor apartment is almost $700 a month in New York City. (Paulsen 1). “It’s cheaper-not to mention humane-to help pay rent than to rescue someone after they fail” (Paulsen 1). Welfare does not cover enough expenses for poor people and more needs to be done for

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