Swot Analysis Of Nokia

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NOKIA is a Finnish Company headquartered in Espoo, Finland. From its humble beginning with one paper mill, the company has participated in many sectors like paper, tires, consumer and industrial electronics, telecommunications, infrastructure and more. Started in 1865, it became NOKIA CORPORATION in 1967 and entered the telecommunications market in 1960. In 2013, after purchasing Siemens stake in NSN and selling Nokia’s Devices and Services business to Microsoft on April 25, 2104, Nokia announced its new vision and strategy building on its three strong businesses: Nokia Networks, HERE and Nokia Technologies (NOKIA). OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OPPRTUNITIES: 1. Nokia’s focus on continuously investing in longer term transformational growth opportunities…show more content…
According to Smith (1955), Segmentation is focused around the demand side of the market. Market segmentation is one heterogeneous market as couple of homogeneous market segments (Smith, 1955). The market can be divided into segments using four segmentation bases: Psychographic, behaviouristic, geographic and demographic basis. Nokia is one of the few corporations that have been successfully practicing multi segment marketing. Nokia segment groups are separated by various numbers of variables. Nokia has a huge market with many different segments divided by needs, therefore Nokia keep on coming with different products for its different segments. The main segmentation is done on the basis of price. Nokia keeps opening its flagship stores all over the Asian and Middle Eastern rural regions to be able to appeal local population and gain their respect and trust. Nokia has many mobile and smartphone devices to appeal to all the age categories (for data transmission and other business related features), all income categories, different family cycles, people of different religions and occupations (NOKIA BLOG). In terms of geography the company is using regional approach to be able to bring their customers all the latest innovations. Unlike Apple, Nokia has a distinct recognition for women as a major target market. Different models of mobile devices appeal to customers with various lifestyles. Nokia have used better and efficient market segmentation strategies to market its products according to various segments of customers in the market. Because of large number of consumers Nokia has to keep its multi segment market excited with new product releases. Various market segmentation strategies made Nokia into a global phone manufacturer (NOKIA

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