The Importance Of Information Technology In Law

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Innovation is the great way to success in this digital age. The technology which has already proved itself in last two decades is of course the information technology (IT). It has dramatically changed the lives of the individuals and organizations. Merriam-Webster defines information technology as “an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like they have human intelligence” and “the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior.” As advances in law technology revolutionize today’s legal landscape, the role of the legal professional has evolved. The automation of legal processes has prompted lawyers, paralegals, legal secretaries and other legal professionals to become proficient at an ever-increasing array of word processing, spreadsheet, telecommunications, database, presentation and legal research software. IT can be a useful tool in the following areas of law industry: 1. Text creation, storage and retrieval 2. Improved Access to the Law 3. Recording of Court Proceedings 4. Case Management 5. Communication 1. Text Creation, Storage and Retrieval Apart from the hearing function, judges have to produce written judgements, rulings, and reasons for the decisions that they continuously make. It is now possible…show more content…
In other jurisdictions recording was by way of tape recorders recording voice and the record later being transcribed into a typed record. There have been new developments. Voice recognition technologies are being tested but are as yet to be perfected. It is now possible to have digital audio recordings of voice on the computer, allowing the judge capacity to annotate this record and listen to whatever portion he may want to listen to later. The record so recorded would have to be transcribed into a hard copy format, of which e-versions would be available

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